1 Dizparity 〈一切萬物的總和 Sigma〉
2 Dizparity 〈降伏 Vanquished〉
3 Dizparity 〈痛失摯友 Lost A Best Friend〉
4 Dizparity, Musa 〈保釋 Freed On Bail〉
5 Dizparity 〈迷失漫遊 Lost Voyage〉
6 Dizparity, Skier〈救救我兒子 Save My Son〉
7 Dizparity, Musa〈喪親之痛 Bereavement〉
8 Dizparity〈我願意 The Amazing Grace of Sigma〉
9 Dizparity, Musa 〈出土屍骨 The Unearthed Corpse〉
10 Dizparity〈窒息式的愛 Suffocating Love〉
11 Dizparity, Musa 〈被害者模式 Victim Mode〉
12 Dizparity 〈線索 Clue〉
13 Dizparity 〈新密碼 The New Code〉
14 Dizparity 〈檢調搜索 Prosecutorial Investigations〉
15 Dizparity 〈樂福茶 Fortune Tea〉
16 Dizparity, Musa 〈死訊 The News of Death〉
17 Dizparity 〈淨化儀式 Ritual Purification〉
18 Dizparity, Musa 〈極限挑戰課程 The Ultimate Challenge Practice〉
19 Dizparity 〈地牢 Dungeon〉
20 Dizparity 〈成為研習師 Way To The Cult Trainer〉
21 Dizparity 〈邪教冥想 Cult of Meditation〉
22 Dizparity, Musa 〈最後的打鬥 The Last Fight〉
23 Dizparity, Musa 〈與魔共舞 Dancing with The Devil〉
24 Dizparity, Musa 〈面向過去 The Past in Front of Us〉
25 Dizparity 〈阿尼瑪 Anima〉
26 Dizparity, Musa 〈蓮心 Lotus Heart〉
27 Dizparity〈 搜索地窖 Search In The Bunker〉
28 Dizparity〈 解脫 Escape〉
29 Dizparity, Musa〈 落荒而逃 Helter-Skelter〉
30 Dizparity, CHIEH 〈告密 Unveil The Truth〉
31 Dizparity, CHIEH〈 幕後首腦 The Mastermind〉
32 Dizparity, Musa〈 隱瞞真相 Hiding The Truth〉
33 Dizparity, Musa 〈人倫慘案 Family Death〉
製作人 Producer:Dizparity
作曲/ 編曲 Composer:Dizparity, Musa, Liv. W, Skier, CHIEH
錄音/ 混音師 Recording & Mixing Engineer:Dizparity
母帶後期 Mastering Engineer:Dizparity
錄音室 Recording & Mixing Studio:邸仕音樂 Gentrice Sound Studio
OP邸仕音樂 Gentrice Records/ SP Sony Music